Plant Louisville strategy: Reaching underserved communities for Christ.

Louisville has highly-populated neighborhoods with minimal access to a healthy gospel-centered church. The Kentucky Baptist Convention is partnering with the Louisville Regional Baptist Association to plant churches in some of these high-need areas: Tyler Park/Cherokee Triangle/Belknap, Central Business District and Indian Hills. The combined population of those is larger than Ashland and almost equal to Paducah. Please pray:

• for the 11,100 people in the Tyler Park/Cherokee Triangle/Belknap areas with no SBC churches
• for the 5,245 people in Indian Hills with no SBC churches
• for the 3,622 people in the Central Business District with no SBC churches
• for God to raise up church planters and establish churches to adopt these neighborhoods

Louisville Regional Baptist Association

Church Planting

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To schedule a vision trip to these neighborhoods, or to get more information on ways you can get involved, contact the KBC church planting department at or Justin Compton, Louisville Regional Baptist Association’s church planting catalytic consultant, at

Church Planting