Ministry Description: Roberta serves as Volunteer Administrator for Bright Life Farms, Inc., a Christian, non-profit/faith-based, state licensed, but not state funded, group home(s) for special adults, focusing on family-centered atmosphere.
There are currently 4 homes located on 27 acres in rural Caldwell County, KY. There is 24-7 trained staff providing care. Each home has private rooms/baths for 8 residents.
The hope and intention is that the structure of Bright Life Farms, Inc. will provide a home atmosphere that includes learning opportunities in areas of life skills, community effectiveness and participation, an enjoyable social life with peers, and with an opportunity to worship God as an individual or as a group in their home as well as with a church family: an environment of freedom within the boundaries of safety.
Click here to connect with Bright Life Farms on Facebook
Prayer Request: RIGHT NOW that we can keep all our residents and staff healthy. This is HEALTHY day 109 of being sheltered in place.