BEECH CREEK—Beech Creek Church has called Jeremy Johnston as pastor.
BREMEN—Pleasant Hill Church has called Conrad Barnes as pastor.
CADIZ—Delmont Church will hold revival services Oct. 25-28 with Jimmy Gentry as evangelist. John Mitchell is pastor.
CAMPBELLSVILLE—Saloma Church is hosting a gospel concert on Sept. 27, 6 p.m. Featured vocalists are Yulanda Bradshaw and Ricardo Hughes. Free admission. Email for information.
CENTRAL CITY—First Church has called Chase Thompson as pastor. He will begin duties Oct. 1.
EDDYVILLE—Hebron Church has called Terry Davis as pastor.
Erlanger—Northern Kentucky Association is celebrating churches that have been on mission trips: Hickory Grove Church: fourth year to Lac Du Flambeau Indian Reservation in Wisconsin, for sports camp/VBS (five decisions). Mike and Jeannie Jones led a group from Big Bone Church in Walton to India; another Big Bone group went to Haiti (4 decisions). Fairlane Church went to Vanderhoof, British Columbia, for archery camps at an Indian reservation and a church (9 decisions).
Burlington Church, led by Jeff Perry, minister to families/students, took a World Changers group to Puerto Rico (2 decisions); another group traveled to Antigua, Guatemala. Mark Webb and a team from First Church of Highland Heights went to Leon, Nicaragua, to build a new church building and drinking well.
Jim Woolums is director of missions.
FRANKFORT—Franklin Association will host a Kids Festival Block Party on Oct.3, 5-8 p.m., at the Ash Building Parking Lot, 14 Reilly Rd., Frankfort. For more information, please call Ed Whittaker at 502-223-2719.
GLENDALE—Glendale Church will be celebrating homecoming on Sept 27. Clint Antholz will be guest speaker. For more information, call (270) 369-7868. Sam Hinkson is pastor.
PLEASUREVILLE –Elmburg Church will hold a picnic at Harry Hill Park on Sept. 26 at 3 p.m. They will also have Elmburg Day on Oct. 10, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and revival on Oct. 11-14, starting at 7 p.m. David Smith will be guest speaker, and Dennis Gwizdala will lead music. Brad Jennings is pastor.
SHELBYVILLE –Highland Church will hold a church picnic on Sept. 27, 4 p.m., at the HBC campus. Chris Platt is pastor.
SOMERSET—High Street Church has called Brandon Carrier as minister of worship, discipleship & assimilation. His first Sunday will be Sept. 27. The church also celebrated its 100th Anniversary Sept. 20. Ed Amundson is pastor.
WILLISBURG—Brush Grove Church will hold homecoming on Sept. 20. For more information, please call (502) 673-3695. Everett Hood is pastor.