FULTON–New Hope Church will hold revival March 20-25. Mark Green will bring the messages. Randy McClure is pastor.
LEBANON—Central Association of Kentucky Baptists will hold their Association Annual Spring meeting on March 28 at Springfield Church. Meeting will begin at 6 p.m. with fellowship meal and move into session at 7 p.m. The sermon will be brought by Joseph Lumbrix, pastor of Mt. Olivet Church, and guest speaker is Susan Bryant. Director of missions is Jay Hatfield.
LOUISVILLE—Deer Park Church will hold “Lift High the Cross”—A Lenten service of music and scripture with chancel choir and instrumentalists. Sunday, March 13, at 10:45 a.m. Albin Whitworth is minister of music and worship/organist. David Platt is pastor.
MAYFIELD—New Vision Church has called Billy Kennedy as pastor.
PRINCETON—Southside Church has called Baxter Boyd as senior pastor. He is from Princeton and will be graduating from Boyce Bible College in May. He began as a summer youth intern in 2014 and later moved into the youth minister position. Boyd serves on Kentucky Baptist Convention’s Committee on Public Affairs.
SHELBYVILLE— Will Macpherson is the new worship and youth pastor at Highland Church. Chris Platt is pastor.
First Church will host a “Voice of the Martyrs Conference” on April 16, starting at 9 am. Registration begins at 8 a.m. For more information, call (502) 633-1317. Maurice Hollingsworth is pastor.