LONDON — Corinth Church will host The Jim Brady Trio April 30 at 5 p.m. For more information, call (606) 864-5440. Dr. Andrew Dyer is pastor.
LOUISVILLE — Fairmount Church called Jim Shelton as pastor. He assumed his duties on Feb. 19.
Highview Church-Valley Station Campus called Mark Bishop as pastor. He assumed his duties Jan. 1.
Hillview Church has called Ken Cutrer as pastor.
Long Run Baptist Association has changed its name to Louisville Regional Baptist Association (LRBA). New offices are located at 960 S. 3rd St, Ste 100, Louisville, KY 40203-2216, phone (502) 635-2601. Todd Robertson is director of missions.
PAINTSVILLE — First Church has called Seth Carter as its new pastor.
PIKEVILLE — First Church will celebrate Greg & Alice Whitetree’s 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 3 at 1 p.m. The Whitetrees have been missionaries for more than 40 years with North American Mission Board. They retired as missionaries in 2012 but have remained on as directors of the center for Mission Service Corps volunteers. For more information, call (606) 625-8628. John Lucas is pastor.
PRESTONSBURG — Enterprise Association will hold its second “Being the Church” conference May 5-6 at First Church. Times for the conference are May 5, 6 to 8 p.m., and May 6, 8:30 a.m. until noon, followed by a roundtable luncheon. The conference is free, but Enterprise is asking people to register so lunches can be ordered. Register by calling the association office at (606) 886-3335, or by emailing enterpriseassoci@bellsouth.netjavascript:parent.frames[‘content’].doSave();. Thomas Biddle is director of missions.
RICHMOND — Tates Creek Association will hold its Spring meeting April 24 at First Church. Guest speaker will be Richard Blackaby of Blackaby Ministries International. Danny Davis is director of missions.
WINCHESTER — Boones Creek Association will hold its revival May 15-19 at 7 p.m. at Northside Church. Evangelist will be T.A. Lester. Youth Night is May 13, with a cookout at 5 p.m. and service at 7 p.m. John Ryder is director of missions.