As our spring break approaches each year, Angie often tells me she just wants to “go someplace where it’s warm.” One of the things I missed while living in Florida was the different seasons. Florida seems to have two seasons—warm and hot, but Kentucky (God’s country) has such a variety of seasons.
Spring seems to bring new life to the Oneida campus. As the weather turns from cold and sometimes dreary to warmer, our campus life seems to awaken. The fourth quarter of our school year involves much activity. As the weather warms up, our campus comes alive with young people all over our small campus. It is always refreshing to see and hear the life and laughter our kids bring as they are active outdoors. There will also be many events in the coming weeks. The school year will come to a crescendo with our annual baccalaureate and graduation services on May 14, but between now and then there will be much activity and many events.
There will be a “Spring Fling,” which is an event involving food, fun and games for the entire school. We will have many awards ceremonies in our daily chapel services. We believe very strongly in recognizing the accomplishments of our young people. There will be academic awards, dorm awards, work program awards, staff service awards, vocational awards and much more.
Our drama team will put on a spring play. Our seniors will take their annual senior trip to Gatlinburg. There will be a National Honor Society induction ceremony. There will be an athletic banquet, our annual FFA banquet, and our Junior/Senior Banquet. This Junior/Senior Banquet is typically one of our best meals of the year, and much of our staff joins our upperclassmen for steak and shrimp and good fun. Our chaplain of many years once told me that the trials and challenges we face each year are all made better by this one meal.
We will do our best to live and serve each day in accordance with the Lord’s will, and will also attempt to live each day as if it is our last opportunity to touch young lives. Human nature is to fast-forward our lives to the good parts, and as I look ahead at our spring calendar, I am excited by what lies ahead. I also become a bit weary just thinking of all we will do as we close out yet another wonderful school year.
Through our excitement and weariness, we will do our best to educate and serve the entire young person whom God has sent our way. Stop by our campus any time, or if there is a particular event I have mentioned that you would like to be a part of, just give me a call. May God bless each of you for your faithful support and partnership.
Larry Gritton is the president of Oneida Baptist Institute.
Larry Gritton