Vision 2025 was introduced to Southern Baptists recently by Dr. Ronnie Floyd, president of the SBC Executive Committee. Part of Vision 2025 is Strategic Action 3: “Increase our total number of workers in the field through a new emphasis on ‘calling out the called,’ and then preparing those who are called out by the Lord.”
Since 1926, Clear Creek Baptist Bible College has been seeking to fulfill the vision that God gave our first president, Dr. L. C. Kelley, to prepare and equip those who are called out by the Lord. I see Clear Creek as a major contributor to Vision 2025 for our convention as we partner together to help increase our total number of workers in the field.
Sean Lee graduated from Clear Creek in 2008 and is one of those workers already out in the field serving the Lord and helping us reach the world for Jesus Christ.
“Life at the Creek was eventful, to say the least,” said Lee. “I met my wife Ashley at the student orientation dinner in August, and by December we were happily wed. I served Big Creek Baptist in Hazard, Ky., as an interim for 18 months. Then God called me to pastor Hosman Baptist Church in Pineville, Ky., for the remainder of my time at Clear Creek.
“Clear Creek gave me a great foundation and preparation for ministry to build on as we journeyed to South- eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2008. I pastored Holly Grove Baptist Church of Spring Hope, N.C., for nine years (2008-2017) while working on my M.Div and D.Min.
“In September of 2017, I accepted the call to Crewe Baptist Church in Crewe, Va.,” said Lee. “This is the historic burial place of the great Lottie Moon. Crewe Baptist Church provides numerous Lottie Moon tours each year and we have a display of memorabilia that is quite interesting.
“Historic churches can be a challenge,” noted Lee. “I have encouraged the congregation to celebrate the past and be proud of its heritage. Also, I have challenged the church to look at the future as well. Churches cannot keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. My doc- toral work focused intently on church revitalization. I have implemented a personal plan for our church (because all churches are different). I have also established short-term and long-term goals. Celebrating small wins has given the church a breath of fresh air.
“One sign of a breath of fresh air is observing how the church has turned from an inward focus to an outward focus,” said Lee. “Crewe Baptist Church is sending me to South India to dedicate some freshwater wells to the Lord. Our church is sponsoring an ongoing well project for villages in southeast India. We are also looking to purchase cows, goats and other livestock that will aid the people in living. I desire to lead the church to get outside the four walls and make a dent in the darkness,” said Lee. “That is where I want to be personally and where I want the church to see the need.
“I recall a quote by author Paul Borden who said, ‘We feed armies so they can fight, not for some fine dining expe- rience,'” recalled Lee. “God help us, pastors and leaders, to equip the saints for the work of ministry.”
Thank you, Kentucky Baptists, for your support of Clear Creek through your Cooperative Program gifts which help us to fulfill an important part of Vision 2025 by preparing those who are called out by the Lord.
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Donnie Fox