Craig Parker
LOUISVILLE—Two senior vice presidents have been named at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: Craig Parker as senior vice president of institutional administration, and Matthew Hall in a newly created role as senior vice president for academic strategy.
Parker, currently vice president of institutional advancement, and Hall, dean of the undergraduate Boyce College, also will continue in their current roles.
Parker succeeds Dan Dumas, who now leads the revamping of Kentucky’s adoption and foster care system under Gov. Matt Bevin.
Parker earlier served as the seminary’s vice president for business services and as senior administrator for 15 years at the Memphis-area Bellevue Baptist Church.
“Craig Parker is an absolute natural when it comes to leadership, building a team and understanding how institutions work,” SBTS President Albert Mohler Jr. said. “He is also a veteran Southern Baptist whose love for this denomination is so evident in everything he does.”

Matthew Hall
Hall, meanwhile, is a two-time alumnus of Southern Seminary, earning M.Div. and Th.M. degrees. Prior to serving as dean of Boyce College, he oversaw SBTS enrollment, library and assessment initiatives in his administrative role in academic services, and he earlier was chief of staff in the president’s office. Hall holds a Ph.D. in American history from the University of Kentucky and was co-editor of the 2015 book, “Essential Evangelicalism: The Enduring Legacy of Carl F.H. Henry.”
Mohler described Hall as “one of the brilliant young leaders in both higher education and in the Southern Baptist Convention.” Hall’s position will oversee a new division focused on admissions and academic strategies intended to meet the increasing demands of a rapidly changing culture. (BP)