Brian C. Hinton made a profession of faith at the age of 13 during a youth revival. After high school, he received an Air Force R.O. T.C. scholarship to attend Grambling State University where he met his future wife, Anna. After active duty in the military and completion of his first graduate degree, he moved to Lexington, KY. He joined the Main Street Baptist Church (MSBC) in 2000. He acknowledged his calling into the ministry in 2001 and was licensed as a minster in Oct of that year, under the leadership of his former Pastor Dennis J. Ward. In Aug 2005, he was ordained and in Dec 2005 was offered an associate pastor role at MSBC. He is known for his light- hearted and out-going personality and uses that gift in ministry. This was observed as Brian taught new member’s orientation, basics of baptism, and adult VBS. Brian served as one of the associate pastors for seven years. Brian holds a (BS) Bachelor of Science degree (Grambling State University) in Computer Information Systems and a (MBA) Master of Business Administration degree (Webster University). He completed a M.Div. (Master of Divinity) degree as well as a (MA) Master of Art in Pastoral Counseling at Asbury Theological Seminary in May 2012. Brian is a graduate of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He earned a Doctorate of Ministry degree in Church Revitalization in December 2022. Brian has been happily married to his wife of 23 years, Anna Hinton, and together they have been blessed with the parenthood of two beautiful boys, 15-year-old Christopher Joseph (CJ), and 13-year-old Caleb Joel. Brian currently serves as a Regional Campus Minister at the UofL Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) through the Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC). He also serves as an adjunct professor at Boyce College (the undergraduate college of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary). Brian previously served as a deacon of Buck Run Baptist Church (Frankfort, KY) under the leadership of Dr. Hershael York. Brian is currently a member of Highview Baptist Church (East Campus).
How Brian helps churches:
Brian helps KBC/SBC churches in his region by being a bridge to connect them to young adults on community college campuses as well as at the University of Louisville. He also aids in pulpit supply, personal consultation and training for churches on how to reach the next generation. Brian can be reached by emailing him at
Helpful resources Brian recommends:
The Art of Personal Evangelism by Will McRaney
Christianity for People who Aren’t Christians by James Emery White
The Rise of the Nones by James Emery White
Christ and Culture Revisited by D.A. Carson
Becoming a Welcoming Church by Thom S. Rainer