The mission of Oneida Baptist Institute is to provide a Christian living, learning and working environment in which each of its students, Christian or non-Christian, is diligently challenged to grow mentally, physically, socially and spiritually in order to acquire an “Education for Time and Eternity.”
Our students are required to attend Sunday morning worship services, and chapel services are required each school day. Other ministries including Bible study, discussion groups, Baptist Campus Ministry, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, special events and prayer services are also available but are not required.

The student work program is also an important tradition at Oneida. Students are required to work an average of one hour per day at designated jobs. These jobs help young people develop a sense of responsibility and provide them with valuable work experience.
Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students with ability levels ranging from below-average to exceptional. We have a unique tutoring program for students with low reading and/or math skills. We provide English as a Second Language for international students, and advanced placement courses for juniors and seniors with above-average ability. Boarding students are required to attend a supervised study hall each evening, Monday-Thursday. Students who make the honor roll are acknowledged in chapel. Oneida students graduate with a standard diploma or advanced diploma. About 75 percent of our graduates go on to institutions of higher learning.
Middle school students study language arts, literature, Bible, history, math, science, health and P.E. High school students are required to take four years of English and math; three years of science and social studies; one year of health/physical education, Bible, fine arts (music/art appreciation); and two quarters of computer literacy. Their electives may include: band, choir, piano, agriculture, drama, stagecraft, art, Spanish, child development, clothing, adult living, commercial art, yearbook, weight training, and Field Placement. Field Placement allows seniors to gain on-campus work-related skills and experience in many areas.
Oneida Baptist Institute has private school accreditation through the National Non-Public School Commission (NNPSC), the Kentucky Non-Public School Commission (KyNPSC) and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).
At OBI, our belief that each individual has certain strengths and weaknesses predicates our objective to develop the God-given potential in every student. We encourage involvement in athletics and other co-curriculars to help our young people become well-rounded in education and experience. We offer a wide range of athletic possibilities, including: volleyball, cheerleading and softball for girls; baseball for boys; cross country, golf, basketball, swimming, tennis, track/field and soccer for boys and girls. Christian coaches teach the principles of sportsmanship and teamwork. We do not cut players because of limited ability. Anyone who is willing to practice and contribute in a positive way may join a team. Activities in addition to course electives and athletics include: drama, band, Future Farmers of America, student council and Baptist Campus Ministry.
Larry Gritton