Years ago I remember reading how Josh McDowell was very intentional about making sure his children knew what was important to him and what he believed about certain things. Along those lines, here are a couple of “big truths” that I want my own children, as well as the kids I work with at St. Matthews Baptist Church to know, remember and make part of their lives.
God made me; God loves me; that’s what makes me special. In a world filled with identity theft, it’s easy for our children to misunderstand who they are and what gives them ultimate value and worth. Friends, music, media and a host of other influences will tell our kids that what makes them special is how they look, who they know, where they live, how much money they have, how well they can do something, how smart they are ….
There is nothing wrong with any of these things. However, as Timothy Keller points out, if you build your identity around them you are setting yourself up for disappointment because none of them last. Our children need to know that their ultimate identity, value and sense of worth lies in the fact that God made them and loves us. They belong to God. That is what makes them special. That is what gives their lives value.
Coupled with that foundational truth is this one: No matter what happens to me or around me, God is always with me. The promise of God’s presence in the midst of the ups and downs that life brings gives the Christian boy or girl the strength they need to survive in a world where things aren’t always fair and don’t always make sense.
Teach your children these foundational truths and look for every opportunity to reinforce them as your kids grow in God’s grace. And don’t forget to embrace these truths yourself!
David Garrard