Central City—South Carrollton Missionary Baptist Church is hosting a motorcycle ride on Sept. 10 to provide Bibles around the world.
Following the ride, the church is also hosting a cookout, where fried catfish and hush puppies will be served, and a silent auction for Harley-Davidson motorcycle merchandise. Proceeds from the event will go toward purchasing Bibles.
“This is a tremendous service (South Carrollton Missionary Baptist) is doing. They’re getting involved in reaching out to the community,” said Jerry Eades, director of missions at Muhlenberg County Baptist Association. “It’s a great thing they’ve done the past few years and again this year.”
The event begins at 9 a.m. with a devotion and prayer for the riders, their families and churches, and for the United States. Kickstands will be up at 11 a.m., and riders will leave the church on the ride.
Although the church is hosting the event and Muhlenberg association is providing support and helping raise awareness, the motorcyclists are the ones evangelizing and building relationships to help purchase Bibles and, ultimately, spread the gospel. They, said Eades, are the ones who should receive a bulk of the attention and recognition.
“Sometimes, we don’t give credit where credit is due,” concluded Eades. “These motorcyclists deserve credit for reaching out to the surrounding community in the name of the Lord.” (WR)
Cary Donnell