LOUISVILLE—Timothy Beougher, associate dean and professor at Southern Seminary, will be leading the Kentucky Baptist Convention�s REFOCUS 2018, an evangelism equipping event to �encourage, inspire, and equip� pastors, church staff, church planters and directors of misisons to be more intentional in personal evangelism. During the week of Jan. 15-18, REFOCUS will be hosted in six different locations with options to attend daytime and evening sessions to accommodate bivocational leaders. Sessions will be held in Owensboro, Mt. Washington, Prestonburg, Princeton, and Somerset. The event�s theme will be �gospel conversations.� The first hour of each session will focus on �preparing gospel conversations.� Beougher will discuss preparing one�s eyes and heart for evangelism. �Preparing the heart is to make sure that I have the desire to share the gospel, I�ve removed personal impediments, I�ve dealt with fear, and all those things that come up when it comes to witnessing,� Todd Gray, evangelism and church planting team leader with the KBC, shared. �Preparing our eyes is asking the Lord to open our eyes that we may see the opportunities that exist all around us.� The second hour focuses on pursuing gospel conversations. �It�s a process to follow, explore, stimulate, and share and ways to share the gospel,� he said. Gray added, �It�s about preparing to witness and pursuing evangelism. Really, it�s about being intentional in evangelism.� This is the second in the REFOCUS conference series, and two more are scheduled for April and August on evangelistic Vacation Bible Schools and evangelistic preaching and gospel invitation. �As Beougher says, �Churches will drift into fellowship but they must be led into evangelism.� REFOCUS is to help church leaders get the church refocused on evangelism,� Gray said. For more information or to register, email evangelism@kybaptist.org or visit the Kentucky Baptist Convention�s website. (WR)