LOUISVILLE—Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief is deploying chainsaw, fire recovery, heavy equipment, assessment and chaplain teams to Colorado to help those affected by wildfires that swept across Southern Colorado in late June and early July. Teams left Kentucky on July 21.

Allen Spencer
Volunteers from an Arkansas disaster relief team fill containers with chicken and dumplings for firefighters and evacuees and the Missionary Ridge Fire in southwestern Colorado.
The spring wildfire began on June 27 and burned over 107,000 acres across southern Colorado. The wildfire spread quickly through tinder dry grasslands and forest, destroying over 130 homes and damaging another 119.
The DR teams will bring much needed help to one of the most devastated areas near La Veta, Colo. More than 100 homes were destroyed in this small community near the New Mexico border.
Colorado Baptist Disaster Relief Director Dennis Belz expressed his appreciation for Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers and shared that they will provide much needed support as they join other states responding to the need created by this massive wildfire.
Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief Director Coy Webb shares, “I continue to be amazed at the response of Kentucky Baptists as they step up to minister to those overwhelmed by disaster, and as they seek to take the Gospel of Christ to the broken places of our world. These volunteers are an example of Kentucky Baptist churches at their best, as they answer God’s mandate to be sending churches.” (WR)