The work of the Eliza Broadus Offering was evident in the recent Kentucky WMU Missions Celebration and Annual Meeting, April 6-7 at Buck Run Baptist Church.
EBO was at work as Kentucky WMU Annual Meeting attendees filled the rotunda of the State Capitol to sing “Amazing Grace” and pray. Dr. Steve Weaver, Kentucky Baptist chaplain at the state capitol, whose position is funded by EBO, helped with the arrangements for this gathering. After the rally in the rotunda, attendees visited various offices, legislative chambers, and the Supreme Court to pray for our state leaders.
EBO was on display in the Familyfest report. EBO provided a grant to Central Association in 2017 to help them purchase ministry supplies for a week of outreach by 100-plus volunteers. Churches in the area were encouraged to do ministry outreach in new ways through Familyfest. Most importantly, people heard the gospel and salvations were recorded.

EBO was at work in the Missionary of the Year Award presented to Tim Bargo, director of First Priority Tri-County. EBO grants have helped FP Tri-County and FP Heritage with ministry expenses of evangelical student-led clubs. It was noted that in the 10 years since the Tri-County ministry began, 1,981 students have accepted Christ. Through First Priority, students are trained to share their faith, Bibles are distributed, youth rallies are organized, and many students participate in “See You at the Pole” events.
EBO was at work in the commissioning of 12 new Kentucky missionaries. The work of Teresa Parrett, Missions Mobilization Coordinator whose work is funded in part by EBO, is key to the enlistment of these state missionaries. Each of them will be included on the InterSEED Prayer Calendar and will be invited to the annual state missionaries retreat which is provided by EBO.
EBO at work was reflected in the Annual Meeting Program/Book of Reports where a listing the 2018 grants was included. $135,000 of the 2017-18 offering was given to our Baptist associations and other ministries across Kentucky. By assisting with ministry expenses, EBO is at work to help people hear the Gospel of Jesus.
Your prayer support of Kentucky missions and your generous giving to the Eliza Broadus Offering is an expression of your heart for missions. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Put your heart in missions as you pray and give.
EBO is received all year long. We have not yet reached our 2017-18 goal of $1,250,000. Give NOW at
Joy Bolton