Q. In the next few months my husband and I will be traveling to visit family, what are some good ways we can spend time in the car focusing on our marriage?
Travel time can be a great opportunity to talk about your relationship. Here are some exploration questions to jump start discussion:
1. Of the five love languages (quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, acts of service) which ones have you experienced more? Which languages would you like me to focus on more?
2. If you were to plan a romantic getaway for the two of us, where would it be and what would you like to do for an entire week with me?
3. During our marriage, what memories do you most cherish about our life together?
4. What things or activities most get in the way of us spending more time together?
5. What have you learned most about yourself by being married to me?
6. What things have surprised you about me that you did not expect but have brought you joy?
7. If you were told we could have six more weeks of life together on earth before one of us would be gone, how would you want to spend it?
8. Of all the experiences we have shared as a married couple, which ones would you enjoy again?
9. If we were to plan our wedding now with what we know and have discovered, what kind of wedding would you plan? What do you think we should say in our vows?
10. In what ways would you say you have changed or matured since we have been married?
11. What has God taught you about being a husband? a wife? How is that similar or different than what your family taught you?
12. What would you like to see happen in our marriage next year? What do you believe could make us closer?
13. What impact do you think we have had on other people as a couple?
14. How is God using us now as a couple in the lives of our family, friends and church?