For the past 23 years I have had the privilege, as trust counsel of the Kentucky Baptist Foundation, to encourage and educate Kentucky Baptists about how they can make a lasting difference for the cause of Christ in this world by using the Kentucky Baptist Foundation to accomplish their charitable giving objectives.
The Kentucky Baptist Foundation is the trust agency of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. It can receive gifts during your lifetime or at death for the support of all Kentucky Baptist and Southern Baptist causes. The Foundation, as a “member of the family,” has a special appreciation for the mission and ministry of the causes that will be supported through your gifts. This connection assures you, as the giver, the Foundation has each cause’s best interests in mind as it manages the gifts made for that cause’s benefit.
Many givers want to benefit more than one cause and realize that dividing their gift may result in lower total support. A single fund can be set up with the Kentucky Baptist Foundation to provide support to more than one Baptist cause. This can result in more consistent levels of support for all—each cause will have the benefit of the same level of competent investment management oversight services and the economies of centralized fund management.
Making the Kentucky Baptist Foundation the manager of your gift assures the causes you want to support are left to do what they were called to do—missions, Christian education, child care, evangelism, disaster relief, etc.
I encourage you to learn how you can practice your financial stewardship at a deeper level through the Kentucky Baptist Foundation.
Laurie Valentine