Louisville—Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church in Louisville met in its sanctuary on Jan. 31 for the first time since an August fire damaged the sanctuary and destroyed the children’s ministry area and second floor.
The newly renovated sanctuary was rededicated on Jan. 31 and in expressing thanks to the workers who repaired the building, the church hosted a dinner.
The church’s first service after the fire was held on the lawn. That service proved to be a blessing, members recall, bringing visitors to the church and seeing six baptized in a horse trough.
Soon after, Watson Memorial Baptist Church began sharing their sanctuary with the Hunsinger Lane congregation.
Although it was an emotional time for the church, “Our congregation understands that the church is not the building; the church is the people, and they understand that there are blessings in trials,” Brian Nichter, minister of administration at Hunsinger Lane, told Kentucky Today.
“Everybody has been hanging in here and praying, pulling together, and we’ve gotten through this,” Charlie Davis, pastor of Hunsinger Lane, told WDRB. “It’s turned out to be a blessing. It really has.” (WR)
Myriah Snyder