On August 23, Crittenden Baptist Association held a special recognition service for Garnett Hutchinson, who is retiring after 40 years of service through the association.
“All your friends from the churches in our association and state wish you a very happy retirement. We want you to know that we love you and appreciate all the time you have given in service to our association and its ministries. May God bless you and your family!” Marietta Hedges, clerk and co-historian at Williamstown Baptist Church said in a statement about the event.
The recognition service took place at Williamstown Baptist Church. Recollections of special moments were compiled into a keepsake album for Hutchinson, tributes were given in her honor and there was a time of fellowship.
In 1972, Hutchinson was elected as assistant clerk for the association’s annual meeting. In 1977, she continued her service as clerk, and has done so until the present day. Additionally, she served as ministry assistant for the association since 1983, serving under two directors of missions.
She was also a member of the Executive Board of Kentucky WMU and served as their secretary for one year. She has attended multiple state WMU events, KBC/SBC annual meetings and has led various associational and state leadership training conferences including Experiencing God.
Garnett is also active in the KBSA (Kentucky Baptist Secretaries Association) since 1986, serving two terms as president elect and as president. She attended most of their annual conferences and training sessions. She led conferences at KBC for church clerks and secretaries including Super Saturdays.
Garnett is also a faithful member of Dry Ridge Baptist Church where she has served in WMU, Baptist Women, Women on Mission, Children’s Ministry, and as a Sunday school teacher.
Her late husband, Wilbur Hutchinson, was faithful to the associational ministry as well, until his death in the 1990s. They have two sons, one of who is an IMB missionary.
“Garnett and I have been friends for many years, and I have gone with her to most of the KBSA Annual Meetings since 1987 when I became secretary at Williamstown Baptist until I retired last year. She is a wonderful friend and a delightful person who enjoys serving the Lord however she can,” Hedges concluded.