As director of mission for Graves County Association, I want to express thanks to those who volunteered their help in the clean-up of damages done to homes and property by the tornado that touched down near Fancy Farm and stayed on the ground going east through Graves County into Marshall County.
First, I want to thank “Team Hope” from Presbyterian churches that set up their feeding trailer at the associational office and fed volunteers breakfast, lunch and dinner. They did a great job seeing no one left hungry. Cooking seems like a drudgery job to so many, but not to these men and women. They were smiling every time I saw them.
Second, I want to thank “Team Rubicon” for their volunteer work. They were ready to work, and when it was raining, they were going over plans and where they needed to continue working. I had not heard of Team Rubicon before. They are veterans who do disaster relief work. Thanks to Jimmy, their leader who lives in Lexington, and all who spent over a week with us. It made me proud to be an American and know our armed forces produced such quality individuals.
Also, I want to thank our Baptist disaster relief teams from Kentucky, Illinois and Tennessee. We were happy to have them come and sleep, eat and lead us in clean-up efforts. Thanks to dedicated Christian men who want no glory, but just to be of service to their fellow man.
Finally, I want to thank the Graves County, West Kentucky and West Union Baptist churches who ran chain saws, pulled limbs, cooked, and gave supplies and money to help those who needed their yards cleaned up and debris moved. I received repeated comments about how Graves County people pitched in to help their neighbors. Hurrah for Graves County and disaster relief helpers!
Glynn Copeland
Graves County DOM
Glynn Copeland