Ministry Description: Bible & Bookbags ministry began in 2021 to support children who are taken from their homes and placed in foster care. Each month, 12 bookbags tailored for specific age groups are prepared: 3 for teen girls, 3 for teen boys, 3 for children aged 12 and under, and 3 for babies. Every bag is thoughtfully filled with essential items like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a bar of soap, a washcloth, a razor, a comb or brush, and a cozy new throw. Also included are snacks, a small gift or book, and, most importantly, a Bible. Once the bags are filled, youth from Northside BC in Morganfield, KY gather around them and pray for each child who will receive a bag and for their foster families. It’s a powerful moment, knowing that not only are physical needs being met but also God’s love is being shared and spiritual support offered through the Bible provided. The Lord continues to provide all that is needed to continue this ministry and reach children in need. These bags are then distributed to foster children across Henderson, Union, and Webster counties.
In addition to Bible & Bookbags, I serve as the organizer and sponsor of the Christian Club that meets weekly at the middle school at which I teach.
Prayer Request: Please pray that God will continue to use me to make a difference in the lives of others, and pray for our youth, who face many challenges that can prevent them from discovering Jesus as their Savior.