Elizabethtown—Severns Valley Association will hold its January Pastor’s Conference on Jan. 13 at 10:30 am. Josh Looten, pastor at Tunnell Hill Church, a recent graduate of Southern Seminary, will be the speaker. Randy Mitchell, music minister at Elizabethtown Church, will be leading music. Gerald Murphy is director of missions.
Gray—Knox Association welcomed Old Time Missionary Church into its fellowship after a year of watch care. The association also voted to receive Poplar Grove #2 Church under watch care. Also, WMU of the association received $2,500 to purchase a cow for a missionary family that is using farming to share the gospel, and they named it “Knox.” Seymour Wattenbarger is director of missions.
Hodgenville—First Church is hosting a showing of the movie “Woodlawn” on Jan. 3 at 5 p.m. For information, call the church office at (270) 358-3193. Paul Richey is pastor.
Kevil—Newton Creek Church has called Marty Brown as pastor. He began duties Dec. 20.
Paducah—Trinity Church has called Lee James as pastor. He has been serving as interim.