ONEIDA–On July 20, Oneida Baptist Institute dedicated their Carnahan-Daughtery Hall and Irene Colvin Learning Center, and it broke ground for Huang Hall.
Carnahan-Daughtery Hall is a 200-bed boys’ dormitory comprising the top two floors of the new building, and the Irene Colvin Learning Center will be used for grades 6-8 on the lower floor of the building. Huang Hall will be used as a girls’ dormitory.
The buildings are named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carnahan, Mr. Wesley Daughtery, and Mr. Jensen Huang, all generous donors to Oneida.
Larry Gritton, president of OBI, said that both new dormitories “will be a nice place for our kids to live, but won’t be granite, marble, and top-of-the-line accommodations. It will, however, be a place we can be proud of and a place that will reinforce with our students what we strive to instill in them every day: ‘You are somebody and God loves and cares for you.’” (WR)