Robert White, Charles Moore (current pastor), John Wood, Kevin McCallon. These are all of the living pastors of the church with the exception of one who was unavailable for the celebration.
Paducah—First Baptist Church of Paducah celebrated its 175th anniversary Nov. 21-22.
The church commemorated its many years in ministry by a “packing party,” preparing 175 food baskets for local ministries to aid those in need, inviting former ministers to be a part of their celebration, hosting a special service and having various times of fellowship.
On their website, the church encouraged those whose lives have been changed by the ministry at Paducah First to tell their stories.
“We visited three area churches, but after one visit to First Baptist … we went back to FBC and never left. That was about 33 years ago,” Linda Hart shared.
“This church has been where we raised our children and where we were strengthened in our walk with our Lord through good, solid teaching and preaching that stood the test of time and helped us weather the storms that life brings our way,” she said.
Paul and Christina VanStone said, “Our story at First Baptist began in November 1986 when Dr. White baptized our family. After years of Bible study, prayer, growth in faith and mission trips, God called us to be career missionaries with the International Mission Board.”
“We thank God for First Baptist, Paducah, and the great pastors who taught us, inspired us, and opened our hearts and minds to have a heart for the Great Commission and a world vision to share His gospel,” the VanStones shared.
Charles Moore, pastor of First Baptist, commented, “I delight in the thought that we have contributed an enduring legacy of passion for the Scriptures, an example of faithfulness and fidelity as unto God, and a heartfelt desire to serve anyone in need.”
“Each of these contributions we have demonstrated quite imperfectly, but hopefully we have pointed our friends and neighbors to a perfect Christ all along our ‘broken road,'” he said, borrowing a song lyric from popular culture. “The Lord has surely and immeasurably blessed our broken road.
“First Baptist Paducah has thrived for 175 years because it was founded upon gospel truth, and because it has continually renewed its commitment to gospel truth,” Moore said.
“Like all other local congregations, we have been battered and severely tested at times, but the persevering faith of the people has not wavered—and the cross of Christ has remained at the center of every chapter of the church’s history.”
The church displayed a refurbished door signed by its members, representing their commitment to sharing the message of Jesus Christ for the next 175 years. It will remain at the church until the 200th anniversary.
The theme of the anniversary celebration was “Of Christ, In Christ, For Christ.”
“Our mission is rather simple: GROW in Christ’s grace and truth; SHOW our love for Christ by the way we esteem and serve others; and GO into all the world as humble-yet-empowered ambassadors of Christ’s good news.” Moore said.
“Christ died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again. This we believe with all our hearts. Our logo for the anniversary is ‘Of Christ, In Christ, For Christ.’ I love that. It says it all,” he concluded.
Myriah Snyder