WHEREAS, Jesus identified the mission of the church as making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-48; John 20:21-23; Acts 1:8), and
WHEREAS, after seeking God’s direction through prayer and fasting, the church at Antioch sent out Barnabas and Saul (Acts 1:8), and
WHEREAS, people hear, believe and are saved when the word is proclaimed by those the church has sent (Romans 10:13-15), and
WHEREAS, Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mark 16:15), and
WHEREAS, over 42% of the world’s population is unreached and has little or no access to the gospel, and
WHEREAS, only 13% of Kentuckians attend any church on any given Sunday, and
WHEREAS, Kentucky Baptists recognize that making disciples involves local churches sending and believers going, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ; and
WHEREAS, Kentucky Baptists have endeavored since 1837 to assist churches in reaching Kentucky and the world for Christ.
Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists demonstrate their participation in the Every Church on Mission initiative with every church taking its next step toward fulfilling of the Great Commission, and be it
RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists covenant to faithfully pray that the Lord would send laborers in His harvest, and be it
RESOLVED, that pastors and ministry leaders guide churches to assess their level of missions involvement and commit to do more in fulfilling the Great Commission, and be it
RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists Churches identify their unique role in fulfillment of the Great Commission by discovering opportunities for missions engagement, and be it
RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists equip and prepare members for responding to our Lord’s command to go and make disciples, and be it
RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists in obedience to scripture, send members to reach those who have not yet heard and responded to the gospel message of Jesus Christ, and be it
RESOLVED that Kentucky Baptists commit to care for those who are sent both locally and globally, and be it finally
RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists will be found faithful in going and making disciples of all nations when Jesus Christ returns to earth.