WHEREAS, American citizens are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States the freedoms of speech and the exercise of religion; and
WHEREAS, the church is instructed by Jesus to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16; John 8:12); and
WHEREAS, being the people of God, our views and opinions are to be bound inextricably to the inspired and inerrant Word of God; and
WHEREAS, faith cannot and should not be separated from public life or opinion, but should inform and permeate the entirety of one’s life; and
WHEREAS, a profession of Biblical morals, particularly in regard to the definition of marriage, is increasingly opposed in the public arena; and
WHEREAS, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires employers to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, including abortifacients, thus violating the conscience and morals of many people of faith; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention, meeting in Lexington on November 13, 2012, urge Christians to support candidates and policies that are consistent with a Biblical worldview and to contend for religious liberty and the right of people of faith to express their deepest convictions in the public square; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we affirm that the “exercise of religion,” by definition, requires a faith that is public, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Kentucky Baptists remind both State and Federal legislators that the First Amendment of the Constitution promises, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” and be it further
RESOLVED, that we stand with the individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions who are currently fighting for their conscience by opposing the contraceptive/abortion mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we stand with individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions who are currently fighting for their conscience by insisting upon a continuation of a traditional definition of marriage as a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we are grateful for the freedom of people of faith to express their opinions and beliefs, and believe that the ability to do so without reproach or condemnation is essential to a productive society; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we denounce any labeling of a historical, orthodox interpretation of Scripture as “hate speech,” “bigotry,” or “prejudice;” and be it further
RESOLVED, that we remind Christians that the state is not ultimate and the actions and laws of government are accountable to God; and be it finally
RESOLVED, that regardless of any outside interference or oppression by individuals or government, Kentucky Baptists and their churches will preach the Gospel and strive to be faithful to the mission and mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ.