LOUISVILLE — Celebrate Cooperative Program Sunday April 9 with a Kentucky Baptist Convention speaker and hear how God is moving in the state and the world.
Church leaders can reserve a KBC speaker online at www.kybaptist.org/cp now or at any time throughout the year to explain how Cooperative Program gifts from Kentucky Baptists are planting churches, sending missionaries and bringing people to Christ.
“Working together we can do so much more,” said KBC Associate Executive Director Curtis Woods. “The impossible becomes possible through gifts to the Cooperative Program.”
Woods said while it’s possible for congregations to launch one or even two new churches, Kentucky Baptists who contribute to CP are collectively supporting 50 church plants in the state.
Gifts through the Cooperative Program are also helping more than 1,000 abused, neglected and hurting kids through the ministry of Sunrise Children’s Services.
Because of the Cooperative Program, Woods said Crossings Ministries had the opportunity to preach the gospel to more than 14,000 students at camp last year and led about 900 young people to receive Christ.
CP even played a role in local churches baptizing more than 14,000 new believers in 2015 by offering missions education, evangelism conferences, Sunday school workshops, regional consultants and missions partnerships — just to name a few.
“And we haven’t even mentioned the thousands of North American and international missionaries and church plants worldwide made possible through CP gifts sent from our state convention to the Southern Baptist Convention,” Woods said.
The Cooperative Program supports more than 10,000 missionaries through the North American and International Mission boards, and helped plant 13,800 new churches outside the U.S.
Churches can find more information about the Cooperative Program, order printed materials and schedule speakers at www.kybaptist.org/cp. (KBC)