The media reports daily of children who are neglected, abused and even sold into sex slavery. The overwhelming sense of frustration in wondering why no one was there to make a difference in the lives of these children is our rally cry for action now. Neglect and abuse should not be part of any child’s life, and certainly not in Kentucky, not our children, not on our watch.
God’s word clearly tells us that pure and undefiled religion is to care for the widow and orphan. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).
Friends, colleagues, fellow believers, in a nation fraught with moral decay, complacency towards the needs of others and flat out narcissism in our daily spending habits, it is time we draw a line in the sand.
Where better to draw the line than with caring for the least of these. Caring for those little lives that were not discarded and dismembered as a “choice,” but given a chance to live, and live fully.
Today, right now, there are Kentucky children living in dire conditions, living lives filled with neglect and pain. And these Kentucky children need saving … today.
By God’s grace, each child in the care of Sunrise has been entrusted into the hands of caregivers who are trained and equipped, but the care of precious little ones and their bright future must be funded.
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)
Do we hinder the little children when those that are the most in need are battling for survival and unable to get to the Savior because of the hopelessness of their plight?
Close your eyes, picture her, a helpless little girl, hungry, abused, scared, looking for help, wondering why no one comes, no one rescues…. She is right here, in our midst, right here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Consider this: If we fail to rescue her, her life may be spoken about as a number, another one of the children reported on daily who are trapped in the sex industry in the United States.
This may seem dramatic, but it is reality to the least of these. And I, for one, have dedicated my life to speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves. And I need your help to provide each forgotten child of Kentucky with a hope and a future.
How can you help? What would it take from you and the church members of your congregation? This is how this translates for you: Every Church. Every Member. One Day’s Pay.
This year Sunrise Children’s Services is throwing out a bold challenge to the churches of Kentucky. If not us, then who? It’s “All In A Day’s Pay.”
Sunrise will be communicating with 2,800 Baptist churches in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Every church member, young and old alike, is being challenged to make a difference in the life of a child by donating “one day’s pay” for the betterment of one child. Those with a steady pay check, retirement check or allowance are being challenged to be a part of caring for the orphan—pure and undefiled religion.
A church filled with people who care for the least of these, is a church that is alive and truly living life like Jesus instructed.
Christi Moffett