Abigail Davenport began serving as the Baptist Campus Ministry Assistant in May 2024. Prior to her work at the KBC, Abigail served in various ministry assistant roles at her home church, First Baptist Church Mount Washington. Abigail is working towards her Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies at Texas Baptist College. Abigail and her husband, Cole, worship at and serve in the Children’s Ministry at FBCMW. She enjoys camping, gardening, and other outdoor activities, as well as spending time with her two dogs.
How Abigail helps churches:
Abigail helps churches by serving through the Baptist Campus Ministries. She supports campus ministers and administrative assistants with projects, events, and paperwork organized as well as communication across the campuses. She also helps plan and execute BCM events such as Converge, Connect, Thrive, and the Youth Evangelism Summit.