Eldred Taylor also served as pastor of FBC Somerset from 1958-1981

Eldred Taylor
Louisville—Eldred Taylor, a former executive director of the Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children and a former president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, died Jan. 16 in Louisville. He was 93.
Taylor, a noted Baptist pastor, served most of his ministry at First Baptist Church of Somerset, from 1958-1981. He was also pastor at Rosedale Baptist Church in Richmond.
He previously had served two Baptist associations as director of missions: Tates Creek and Daviess-McLean. In 1951, the Kentucky Baptist Convention tapped him as director of missions and evangelism. He later served as executive director of KBHC, now Sunrise Children’s Services, from 1981-1988.
After retirement, he continued to serve as a professor for Boyce Bible School of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, teaching evangelism and Christian interpersonal relations. He also served nine churches as interim pastor and did development work for KBHC.
In addition to serving as KBC president in 1967-68 and his 20 years as convention parliamentarian, his extensive denominational work included service on the KBC Executive Board, as a trustee of Georgetown College, and as a member of the Kentucky Baptist Board of Child Care. He also served on the SBC Committee on Boards and the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board).
A native of McLean County, Taylor is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He did post graduate work at Southern and Princeton Seminary and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by Campbellsville University.
He was a member of St. Matthews Baptist Church in Louisville, where he was a deacon and taught a Sunday School class. (WR)