Jason “Bubba” Stewart has been the Worship & Music Consultant for the Kentucky Baptist Convention since 2008. He provides consultation services to churches and also coordinates music enrichment opportunities for children, students and adults. Stewart has a bachelor’s degree in music from Jacksonville State University (in Alabama) and a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. Since 1989, he has served in full and part-time music/worship positions for other Kentucky Baptist churches and for congregations located in Alabama, Georgia, Indiana and South Carolina. Stewart and his wife of almost 26 years, Stephanie, have two children: Evan, age 22 and Ashlan, age 18. As a family ministry, the Stewarts are involved in chapel services and trackside ministry for motocross and off-road woods racing events across the Midwest through FUEL MINISTRY. Bubba rides a KTM XC-450F with the number 999, based on Psalm 99:9, to help open doors of Gospel presentation with other riders and family members.
How Jason helps churches:
Bubba helps churches through networking, encouraging, resourcing and consulting in the area of music and worship. You can find more information for worship ministry at the KBC Worship Page www.kybaptist.org/worship. Bubba’s primary focus is the health of your church’s worship ministry and intergenerational worship. You can set up a consultation with him by emailing him at jason.stewart@kybaptist.org or calling (502) 489-3390.
Helpful resources Jason recommends:
Worship & Music Ministry
Worship Planner
Prayer Ministry
Kentucky Student Worship Camp
KBC Children’s Choir